środa, 2 maja 2018

Chrysanthemum 23

2018 April issue

tempête soudaine
laissant les ruines du château
sur la plage

nagła ulewa
zostawia ruiny zamku
na plaży

hirtelen vihar
elhagyja a vár romjait
a strandon

3 komentarze:

  1. Ah... the re-build.
    __ Sandcastle... the storm of that incoming tide as its tower tumbles. Smiles_!

  2. Dear Magyar,
    thank you for your comment. I have just returned from Budapest. The Buda Castle on the Hill and all the city worth to visit again and again. Many smiles.

  3. It was me, Iris who published the answer. I do not understand why Google changed my name for Unknown. This is really strange considering that I am the owner of this blog.
